Tuesday 14 October 2014

When Creating Content is NO LAUGHING MATTER - Simple Keys to creating over 900 articles of quality content


When creating content is no laughing matter - Simple keys to successfully engaging your clients via Social Media so they buy from you.

With the experts continually sprouting the whole "SEO" this "SEM" that as being way to engage your Social Media Audience, I think they actual miss the point. The point is to bring BUYERS to your door. Great to have thousands of LIKES on your Facebook business page but if they are not buying your products or services what is the point.

Lets break it down to some think simple. Your Audience (potential clients) want to be entertained and informed so:

“Post quality content on a regular basis and ask for feedback.”

Quality Content is where it is at I am not just saying that your posts should be "here is my product/service and this is what it costs".

Let me give you one quick task.

In 15 minutes, write down 10 thinks people (your clients) need to know about your industry,I have often found when I do this with new clients they can come up with more then 10 - the most I have had is 28.

Do you know from this simple exercise you can create literally hundreds of quality pieces of content. (I really need to thank Kerwin Rae and his Business Master Class for showing me this amazing process for creating great content). And with a little assistance this can be done in as little as a couple of days (yes days not months)
Even if you do this one step for yourself you will end up with at least 10 different idea generating points to create great content that is directly relevant to your industry, your business and most importantly your customers.

Why don't you let me know how many points you created and if you would like some assistance in developing those 10 points into great content simply drop us an email to info@idealplanning.com.au. 

Visit our facebook page http://qrs.ly/yw4cn9i